Week 7 2024 CSA

In this serious heat and lack of rain, we are irrigating daily. Spring has been quickly switched to summer. The lettuces in your box should be eaten in the next couple days as they won’t keep as well in the heat.

This weeks’ share contents: 2 heads of lettuce (one romaine of normal proportions and one summer crisp), 1 bunch of carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, 2 pounds of “Satina” new potatoes, 1 bunch of lacinato kale, 1 bunch of heirloom “Ailsa Craig” sweet onions.

These onions are our favorite for raw eating and are delicious in a cucumber salad.

This is the last kale you will get in the CSA this summer. This variety makes great kale chips. It is also great steamed and cooled and marinated in a vinaigrette and eaten as a side or added to potato salad.

Last night I sliced some sweet onion and zucchini into thin rounds and sauteed in olive oil with s&p and a little marjoram. When it was done cooking I added some cows’ milk feta from 3 Graces and let it all cool a bit before serving over pasta. It was yum.

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